Search related resources

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Users might want to know information related to some resource:

  • To know more about a covered topic
  • References made from other resources.
  • Resources from the same author(s), with the same keywords, from the same venue (journal, conference, ...)

Applicable Systems:

  • Search engines might be used to find documents containing certain words/expressions, also to find references
  • Categorization systems might compile resource references on a given topic
  • Bibliography Databases: Compile academic style references and keywords/categories

As a difference with comments, discussions and compilation systems, the referering resources are most likely outside the system.

In order to adquire information about the content and references of a third party resource, this resource must be explicitly registered, or reachable by other means (e.g. by a web crawler). This information adquisition should be done automaticaly in order to avoid tedious work: For example bibliography databases might get the TeX from the academic papers (with an strict format), and extract all the relevant information (title, authors, venue, abstract, ToC, keywords, BibTeX cites).

The search of related information in a search engine might be difficult because of synonimia, polysemy, and multiple word expressions.