Related Tech

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Tecnología Relacionada

Standards and Specifications


Defines a vocabulary and concepts to be used in XML languages, for outgoing links, incoming links, third party links. Also how to build n-ary links, and specify attributes

  • How this affect us: Is not an annotation specification per se. But as long as we define links, is better if we abide by the concepts and names defined
  • In my opinion the extended links are more complex than necessary for simply defining incoming links (would need to define at least locator elements and an arc element, apart from the extended link (father) element). Too cumbersome for the sake of a genericity we won't use in our case.
  • In fact it is not really an extended and recognized technology. XBRL (Business Reports) is the most noticiable use that I know.
  • Documentation
  • Related specifications
    • HyTime (Hypermedia/Time-based structured language). Is an standarized, SGML-based language. It's purpose is to represent relations amongst different resources. According to wikipedia:HyTime is an XLink predecesor. Looks old and without noticeable uses.
    • TEI (Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines). A much more general purpose (structured text), tells something about links (or should, franckly I can't recall ATM (2012-03-09)). XLink picks and uses the most valuable parts for our context (???).

More stuff in W3C



Wiki servers not only allow to edit pages in a language more convenient than HTML, and make easy to make links (specially inside the wiki system). They also track these internal links, so you are able to know what links to a given page.

  • How this affect us: If we want to just represent a network of knowledge, a wiki may be just fine (a page or linkable section per concept). Outgoing links are plain simple, incoming links can be checked (though, these are not displayed on the spot, and the semantic payload is unknown until you locate the link source).
  • They are competition: An RdC system should be be clearly better for some use cases
  • They are reference: At the time of describing an RdC system, we might describe what and how they do in relation to wikis.
  • They might be base system: Instead of building a system from scratch, we might alter an existing wiki to add the desired features (or alternatively to scavenge some desired modules/features into our "built from scratch" system).
    • In fact some wikis like MediaWiki or JSPWiki are fairly modular, and have a range of plug-ins
  • Considered Implementations
    • MediaWiki: Is the flagship of wikis. PHP based (not my strong point ATM). Available on most hosting providers.
    • JSPWiki: A reasonable implementation based on Java (just because I am more familiar)

Content Management Systems

CMSs display and do a range of management and features (feeds,indexing,access control, etc) over a range of content types, published on defined locations/sections/etc.

  • How can this be useful: Just like a Wiki, a CMS might provide a convenient way to manage and publish the concepts in a RdC
    • Convenient because: There are different types of concepts/resources: Questions, answers, examples, work references, etc, that need different management
    • Lacking because: Links amongst resources (are there even plug-ins to manage links between resources? Might depend on search indexes that are not updated real time?)
  • In some sense we could figure a Wiki as an specific case of CMS
  • Anyway, I'm not really sure about these things (CMS is kind of bread issue, and I'm not familiar with any one we might use).

Amaya browser (W3C)

Sites / Systems


  • Plug-in for Firefox over GreaseMonkey
  • Made by D.Phiffer et M.Zer-Aviv
  • It is an instance of "augmented browsing" which allows to:
    • Write and display annotations about browsed pages (like SideWiki did)
    • Define "trails" (@@@What's that exactly?)
    • Define substitution of images, or HTML source code (might be a little like vandalizing)
  • Known equivalent sites/systems are extinct (SideWiki, ThirdVoice?)
  • References in Scholar (Phiffer, ShiftSpace): [1]
    • Zer-Aviv - 2007 - "ShiftSpace: Thesis Paper" [2] - (Downloaded and looked through)
    • J Corneli - 2010 - - "Prospectus (March 24, 2010) [3] - (Downloaded and looked through)